2 lbs whipping cream
6 oz egg yolks
8 oz sugar
Vanilla or Vanilla bean - to taste
Ice bath
Stainless steel sauce pan
fine chinos
High heat spatula
1. Use clean, sanitized equipment and follow strict sanitation procedures. Egg mixtures are good breeding grounds for bacteria that cause food poisoning.
2. Bring cream to a boil - add vanilla bean at this time
3. In a separate bowl mix yolk and sugar - just before needed
4. Slowly beat the hot milk into the beaten eggs sugar. This raises the temperature of the eggs gradually and helps prevent curdling.
5. Heat the mixture slowly, stirring constantly, in order to prevent curdling.
6. To test doneness there are 2 methods
- Check temp - 185 degree (never let it hit 190 or above)
- When the mixture lightly coats the back of a spoon instead of running off.
7. Immediately cool the sauce by setting the pan or bowl in ice water. Stir occasionally to cool. Strain through a fine chinos.
8. if the sauce accidentally curdles, it is sometimes possible to save it. Immediately stir in 1 or 2 oz cold milk, transfer sauce to a blender and blend on high